Generally speaking, if the registration number is currently assigned to your vehicle you can sell it provided the vehicle is currently taxed and has a valid MOT. But please check the specific rules listed below.
If the registration number is held on a certificate (V750 or V778), then provided it has not expired you can sell the registration mark. In addition, you must either be the official purchaser (grantee) or have full consent of the purchaser (grantee).
Not all registration numbers are eligible for transfer and you are responsible for checking that your vehicle meets the criteria before applying to transfer. To participate in a transfer please check that the following conditions are fulfilled:-
Note: If the MOT has expired, you can still sell your registration number provided the road tax is valid at the time of the transfer application and that you were the registered keeper of the vehicle at the time the MOT expired.
See also...
Convert your private number plate into cash. We may have a buyer waiting!
Understand the factors that determine the value of your personalised plate.
Use our number plate valuation form to obtain an accurate market value for your registration plate
Find answers to our most popular questions for selling private car plates.
The terms and conditions for selling registration plates through Plate Master Ltd.
Start here. Search for your ideal private number plate.
At Plate Master we make it easy for you to buy and assign your ideal personalised number plate. Let us do all the work!
Convert your private number plate into cash. We may have a buyer waiting!
Buy a personalised number plate and take advantage of our free transfer service.
Looking for a prestige cherished number plate? Search our database of private stock.
Learn about the new DVLA 75 plates. We'll secure your 75 plate for you.
Looking for gift inspiration for a loved one? You don't have to own a vehicle to buy a personalised number plate!
Learn about the rules of transferring, assigning and displaying DVLA registrations.
Read the latest news in the world of personalised number plates. Also search our news archive.
Take a look at the most expensive private number plates ever sold. Maybe your DVLA reg is valuable.
What our famous folk brandish on their luxurious motors.
Ever wonder how personalised number plates are valued? Enrich your knowledge.
From A 1 to YY75 ZZZ! Learn about the history of DVLA registrations.
Why should you own a private plate? We'll tell you why!