Number Plate Search

Welcome to our personalised number plates search page

We have a variety of ways you can search for your perfect personalised plate. Search for a match to a name, word, number or a specific registration using our simple search box, or build up a pattern to match suitable prefix and current style registrations.

Puzzled by any of our phraseology? You may find our glossary of private plate terms useful!

Enter any search term of your choosing to see matching personalised number plates.

Choose a prefix letter, a number, and enter three further letters - then click SEARCH to find your ideal registration. The more fields you fill in, the more focussed your search will be.

There are millions of combinations to choose from!

3 Letters

Choose a pair of prefix letters, a number, and enter three further letters - then click SEARCH to find your ideal registration. The more fields you fill in, the more focussed your search will be.

There are millions of combinations to choose from!

2 Letters
3 Letters

Hand Picked Categories

Cheap Number Plates
Bargain, low cost registrations - some of the cheapest number plates available anywhere!
Featured Number Plates
Distinctive for various reasons, these are quality registrations that stand out from the crowd.
Explore Plate Master