Now, take a breath! Get ready for a shock! Here are, to date, the UK's top 3 most expensive personal number plates. Bronze, Silver and Gold! And for contrast, the World's most expensive! Come on UK.... the Olympic GB team scored well.... so how about we register some golden plates!
3 | 1 D £352,411 | The record auction reserve price of £20,000 echoed its desirability. Sold in March 2009 at a DVLA auction in Warwickshire to Nabil Bishara, a Lebanese property developer who bought this highly sought after private plate for his wife's birthday. |
2 | S 1 £404,063 | Possibly Scotland's first ever number plate and certainly Edinburgh's first, was sold to an anonymous bidder at Bonhams in Chichester, West Sussex, in September 2008. The classic mark was first secured in 1903 by Sir John HA MacDonald, who at the time was the Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland. The winning bidder claimed the cherished plate would be displayed on an old red Skoda! |
1 | F 1 £440,000 | Now let's step things up into top gear. The record price was set for a British vehicle registration number when businessman Afzal Khan paid a total of £440,625 for the Formula One initials. The Bradford entrepreneur assigned it to his Mercedes-Benz McLaren, which cost £200,000 less than the number plate. The historic plate, first issued by the Essex County Register of Motors in 1904, was sold at a DVLA auction in January 2008. |
We in the United Kingdom may be the most fanatical about personalising our vehicles and as such you might expect the most expensive personal number plates to be registered here. However, this is far from the case. The Middle East and South East Asia are homes to the most expensive plastic plate motor accessories in the World as the table below demonstrates. Prices have been converted to UK sterling.
5 | 12 £1.24 million | Abu Dhabi, UAE |
4 | 18 £1.56 million | Hong Kong - February 2008 |
3 | 7 £1.58 million | Abu Dhabi, UAE |
2 | 5 £3.5 million | Abu Dhabi, UAE |
1 | 1 £7.25 million | Abu Dhabi, UAE - February 2008 |
If you are looking for a personalised number plate that won't cost you millions, then you've come to the right place. Plate Master uses a powerful search engine to uncover personal number plates that match peoples' names or words in many different ways, so you'll be sure to find one that matches your criteria. Give it a go and see if you can find that perfect personalised number plate.
See also...
Find out what private plates the celebrities have branded their cars with
Discover the UK's and the World's most expensive private plates
Learn all about the history of British number plates
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Take a look at the most expensive private number plates ever sold. Maybe your DVLA reg is valuable.
What our famous folk brandish on their luxurious motors.
Ever wonder how personalised number plates are valued? Enrich your knowledge.
From A 1 to YY75 ZZZ! Learn about the history of DVLA registrations.
Why should you own a private plate? We'll tell you why!